
Monday, September 3, 2018

Author Lori Thomas Harrington

Author Lori Thomas Harrington

Born and reared in Mississippi, Lori Thomas Harrington loves the south and all the charms its borders provide.

Her debut novel, The Point, has received  raving reviews on Amazon and Goodreads . In her spare time she enjoys time with family and friends, writing music, community theater, and is always plotting her next novel with coffee in hand. 

One of her favorite quotes is by Douglas Everett.

"There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some that face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other."  

She is a firm believer that everyone has a dream placed inside them ,and life is too short not to make that dream a reality.

Her Amazon Page

Amazon Link:

Her Books

The Point 

When Emma Ashby returns to her hometown of Leyton, TN, she realizes that she is still in love with Drew Dalton. He was the love of her life, and their breakup was cold, harsh, and mysterious. Drew is now engaged, so she tries to hide her feelings from him. How-ever, when he sees her, he knows that he never stopped loving her either. 

As they rekindle their romance, they realize that their breakup was a big misunderstand-ing. Or was it? Julie, Drew’s sister, hates Emma, and when they find out that she was the mastermind behind ending their relationship, they are determined to find out why. 

When the truth is revealed, a series of unfortunate events brings heartache, strife, and eventually forgiveness. Emma realizes that true love can never die.,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch

Michael's Heart

She longs for some other way, they both could stay
lost inside forever
that now echoes yesterday.What if the love of your life was on the other side?

Music has always captivated Colbie, and she was sure that music would escort her to her destiny. But then, lying on a cold operating table, Colbie’s heart stopped, and her life ended. Then, something miraculous happened. In an inex-plicable new world, Colbie comes face to face with Michael and she realized that she has always heard the music.
What if you had to choose between love and life?

When she wakes up in the sterile hospital room to a painful recovery, she longs for the peace she abandoned when she returned to Earth. Back in her own world, Colbie is struggling with fate as she tries to once again, hear the music.
Will fate and love strike the right chords for Michael and Colbie?,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch

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